Result Sharing

5 06 2012

This was my first time using google docs, and I loved how manageable it was to organize the results from my survey.  Truth be told I didn’t have to do a thing, as time stamps and a spreadsheet of answers was done automatically (see below for exact display).  I do not consider myself a strong math student and having the statistics graphed for me in a visual way was appreciated.

I posted my survey on Sunday, June 3 and until yesterday I only had two people take my survey.  As a result of this low number of responses I decided to take matters into my own hands and asked my boss, boyfriend and his co-workers to provide me with some insight. At the end of the day I had 11 people take the time to answer the two questions and I appreciate them taking time out of their busy work days to assist me.

The first question I posed centered around the number of hours the surveyed spent being engaged in active play daily when they were a child.  82% answered that they spent more than two hours a day being engaged in active play, leaving the other 18% to say they spent somewhere between one and two hours “Playing”.  The generational contrasts therefore are staggering when considering that  46% of children who get less than 3 hours of active play per week!

The next question I asked was for people to disclose the number of hours of screen time they are subjected to daily.  Again the results were staggering, however based on the subject group, it is understandable based on the fact that the survey was taken by office personnel whose work day is centered around desk and computer work.  With this said, over half 54% revealed spending more than 6 hours in front a screen, with 27% answering 4-6 hours per day.   Technology is powering current society and its benefits are widely accepted, however one must take into consideration how much is too much, and reevaluate to appreciate the simple things in life!

As promised, here is the exact spread sheet of survey results created by google docs.  I look forward to using this resource in the future!




3 responses

6 06 2012

I really liked your question here. It is really interesting to see how times have changed. Technology has become such a big part of our lives now, and it’s very concerning how much more time kids now spend playing video games or watching television. I have someone on twitter I think you should follow. He is the head of the physical education department for the Catholic School System (I believe so anyways). His twitter is @gymovers. I think you could have a really good chat about this survey with him!

7 06 2012

Thanks for the suggestion Mitch! I actually already follow him and was priviledged enough to take EPE 310 under his instruction! He is the one who got me started on blogging. If you are specifically interested in the field of physical education check out my posts previous to ECMP 355. They are tagged under the category EPE 310.

10 06 2012
The Power of Cursive Writing and Keyboarding « Kyla Cheater

[…] type properly is important. Technology is no doubt the present and the future, as seen from the survey results I blogged about last week.  These results suggested that  working adults spend a great amount of […]

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